The Brickyard Battalion and its affiliate group members mission is to create an inspiring fan environment and a groundswell of support for Indy Eleven. The BYB will do this through fostering an increased level of passionate support through community events, gatherings, and volunteerism.
The BYB was created to enable community coordination and participation in activities – which will eventually help lead to the development of in-stadium support for Indy Eleven on an unprecedented scale for a professional soccer team in Indianapolis.
For more, visit www.Brickyard Battalion.com .
Indy Eleven Professional Soccer took a pivotal step towards expanding its reach across the Hoosier State in May 2013 by entering a partnership with Indiana Soccer. The “marriage” between the two organizations saw the groups begin immediately to work in lockstep to promote each other’s efforts to grow the game statewide.
The Indy Eleven-Indiana Soccer Association relationship will is comprehensive in its scope and allows both groups to promote initiatives that will benefit soccer-loving Hoosiers of all ages and abilities. As part of the agreement, Indy Eleven and Indiana Soccer have staff representatives join each organization’s respective staff meetings in order to promote the collaborative nature of the partnership, while Indy Eleven now has direct access to offer exclusive benefits and opportunities to Indiana Soccer’s 65,000 players and their families.
For more information on how Indiana Soccer and its 140 member clubs are growing the beautiful game across the Hoosier State, visit www.SoccerIndiana.org .
The Indiana Soccer Foundation supports programs that enhance, support, promote and foster long-term development of youth within Indiana communities. The vision is to bring life-changing values, through soccer, to every child, regardless of income or geographic location. The Foundation supports programs that focus on player scholarships, outreach and community support programs.
Through its support to outreach programs such as Soccer Across America (SAA) and TOPSoccer, the Indiana Soccer Foundation constantly strives to use soccer to encourage the development of character, social development, leadership and self-discipline in all Hoosier soccer players and constantly strives to use the sport to spread goodwill across the state. With these programs, the Foundation provides under-served youth with equal opportunities through the identification and removal of barriers.
As part of its community support initiatives, the Indiana Soccer Foundation and Indy Eleven have begun a partnership to support the construction of futsal courts at Indianapolis area parks, turning little-used athletic courts into futsal courts for use by the local community.
To learn about ways you can support the Indiana Soccer Foundation and its effort to improve the lives of youth through sport, please visit their Facebook homepage.
Since 2013, Indy Eleven has worked with dozens of Community Partners on initiatives to help make Indianapolis and Indiana a better place to live, work, and play. In addition, at every home game, Indy Eleven will feature one local philanthropic, arts, or community organization to serve as the Community Game Partner of the match. As part of the program, the selected organization will receive recognition during pregame and halftime ceremonies, in addition to receiving a group discount on tickets for that match and the ability to utilize ticket sales efforts as a fundraiser for their organization.
Just some of the dozens of Community Partners Indy Eleven has been fortunate enough to work with since its founding in 2013 include:
Alzheimer’s Association – Greater Indiana Chapter
American Diabetes Association
Big Car Collaborative
Community Health Network Foundation
Cultural Trail | Indy Bike Share
Harrison Art Center
Indianapolis Ballet & Indianapolis School of Ballet
Indianapolis Public Schools
Indianapolis Sister Cities
Indy Fringe
Indy Pride
International Center of Indiana
Keep Indianapolis Beautiful
Mexican Consulate
Million Meal Movement
Pack Away Hunger
Pack the Pantries | Indianapolis Mayor’s Office
Partners of the Americas
Rainbow Youth Project USA
Teachers’ Treasures
Indy Eleven is proud to have donated thousands of items for hundreds of charitable auctions and various philanthropic efforts since its establishment in 2013. The growing list of these partners includes:
138th Financial Management Unit
17th Bone Appetit Dinner/Auction
939th Military Police Family Readiness Goup
A Children’s Habitat Montessori School
Abate of Indiana
Alliance for Responsible Pet Ownership
Alpha Phi Delta Pi Chapter Indiana State University
ALS Association
Alzheimer’s Association
American Heart Association
Arlington Elementary School
Arthritis Foundation, Heartland Region, Inc.
Ashley C. Thompson ACTion Fund
Ball State University Dance Marathon (Riley Children’s Foundation)
Be The Match Indiana
Belzer Middle School
Ben Davis High School Choirs
Bolivia Plunge
Bona Vista Programs
Boone Meadow Elementary PTO
Borden K-12 Schools PTO
Boy Scout Troop 190
Boys and Girls Club of Monroe County
Braeburn Village Apartments
Butler University Women’s Volleyball (Athletics)
Carmel Clay Historical Society
Carmel High School
Castleton United Methodist Nursery School
Cathedral High School
Children’s Miracle Network, Riley Children’s Hospital
Churches in Missions
Cinergy Metro
Clark Elementary School
College Wood Elementary PTO
Colon Cancer Coalition
Congregation Shaarey Tefilla
Connersville/Fayette County Chamber of Commerce
Creekside Elementary
Cruse Foundation
Cub scout Pack 124
Cub Scout Pack 139
Cub Scouts, Pack 324 (Avon, IN)
Cumberland Road Elementary School
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Damar Services
Damien Center
Delta Faucet
Denver Volunteer Fire Dept.
Department of Biochemistry, Purdue University
Department of Workforce Development / State of Indiana
Duke Energy
Eagle Elementary PTO
East Tenth United Methodist Children & Youth Center
Educate Beyond All Barriers, Inc.
Eiteljorg Museum
Elite Performing Company
Engineers Without Borders – Valparaiso University
Ernst and Young – Indianapolis
Evansville Crop for the Cure
Exotic Feline Rescue Center
Fall Creek Elementary
Fishers Police Department
Fishers Rotary Club
Forest Dale Elemntary School
Free2Read Non-profit Organization
Friends of the Humane Society of Hobart, Indiana
Gamma Pi-Epsilon Sigma Alpha
Georgetown Youth Bowling League
Great Dane Trailers
Guerin Catholic
Guion Creek Elementary Donation Request
Hamilton Southeastern School
Harrison Parkway Elementary PTO
Hawthorne community center
Helping Challenged Children INC
Hendricks Regional Health Foundation
Heroes Foundation
Holy Name Catholic School
Holy Spirit Geist Athletics
Homewood Health Campus
I.W.I.N Foundation
Indiana Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs
Indiana Animal Health Foundation
Indiana Association of Nursing Students
Indiana Connected By 25, Inc
Indiana Immunization Coalition
Indiana Paralegal Association
Indiana Student Affairs Association (ISAA) Conference
Indiana Student Financial Aid Association
Indiana University Dance Marathon benefitting Riely Hospital for Children
Indianapolis Bar Foundation
Indianapolis Symohinic Choir
Indianapolis Walk to Defeat ALS
Irvington Community School
Irvington Middle School
IUPUI HomeComing Committee
IUPUI United Way of Central Indiana
Jobs Daughters International, Bethel 108
Johnson County Museum of History
Joy’s House
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)
Kalamazoo Baptist United Open Church
Kale Galloway Benefit
Kenneth Butler Memorial Soup Kitchen
Kiwanis Club of Danville
Klondike Middle School PTO
Lafayette Fire Department
Lafayette Tecumseh Junior High School
Lawrence Township School Foundation
Legacy Christian School 12th Annual Legacy Banquet
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Liberty Early Elementary School
Loper Elementary PTO
Love INC of Greater Hancock County
March of Dimes
McCordsville Elementary School PTO
Meals on Wheels
Meridian Street Preschool Co-op
Mid-continental Independent Transmission Systems Operator Inc. (MISO)
Midwest Youth Tennis & Education Foundation
Monon Trail Elementary School PTO
Montessori Parents as Partners
Morgan County Fraternal Order of Police Auxiliary #119
Morning Light INC Silent Auctions
Morristown Boys & Girls Club
Mozel Sanders Foundation, Inc.
MSD Wayne Township Child Nutrition – Get in the Game with School Lunch
National Institute for Fitness and Sport
National Youth Advocate Program
Nativity Catholic School
New Britton Elementary PTO
Noble Crossing Elementary School PTO
Noble of Indiana
Northwest Indiana Cancer Kids Foundation
Oakland City University
Old National Bank
Our Hospice of South Central Indiana
Outrun the Sun, Inc.
Perry Township Schools – Special Education
Phoenix Fun Fest
Phoenix Silent Auction
Pike Township Educational Foundation
Power Soccer League
Prairie Trace Elementary PTO
Premier Dance Company Boosters
Pride of Indy Bands
Project Lifesaver
Richmond Parks and Recreation
Riley Children’s Hospital
RISE Learning Center
Rockville Correctional Facility Annual Golf Outing
Roncalli High School
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Ladies Luncheon Committee
Saint Michael Fr. Severin Parish Life Center
Second Harvest Food Bank of East Central Indiana
Shalom Daycare Ministry
Shelby County Drug Free Coalition
Sheltering Wings
Sidener Academy
Sidener Gifted Academy Athletic Department
Smoky Row Elementary PTO
SON Foundation, INC
Sports World Inc
St Thomas Aquinas School and Parish
St. Gabriel School
St. John Lutheran School
St. Joseph School
St. Louis de Montfort Catholic Church & School
St. Malachy School
St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church
St. Mary’s School
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
St. Michael-St. Gabriel School
St. Monica Catholic School
St. Paul Catholic School
St. Simon the Apostle
St. Vincent Frankfort Hospital Foundation
Stonegate Elementary PTO
Sugar Creek Elementary Auction and Carnival
SunKing Brewing
Supporting Families with Koolen-deVries Syndrome
Teaching Our Preschoolers
The Foundation for Autism Resources (FAR)
The Hurricanes 12U Green Team
The Indiana Society of Association Executives
The Indianapolis Publilc Library Foundation
The Orchard School
The Warrior Santa Cause
Thomas A. Hendricks Elementary
Timmy Global Health
Timmy Global Health at Indiana State University
Tippy Connect Young Professionals
Trinity Lutheran School
Trips 4 Taps
Twin City We Care
University of Illinois Campus Recreation
Utica Elementary School PTO
Warren Central High School Choirs
Washington High School
Washington Township
Washington township pta Greenbrier Elementary
Washington Township Schools Foundation
Wayne County Challenge
WCHS Riley Dance Marathon
West Lafayette Schools Education Foundation
Westwood Elementary School
White Oak Elementary PTO
William Henry Burkhard Elementary School
Winchester Village PTA
Zeta Tau Alpha
Zionsville Band and Orchestra Patrons (ZBOP)